I went to check out 11 properties today – I have selected some for you.
605 Bushdale Dr Arlington
This is in Mansfield ISD – attending Mansfield ISD.
This is attending Brown Elementary
This is Southwind Addition, one of the hottest areas in Mansfield ISD areas.
Property Information
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Key Analysis
Main Points: As some of you know, I had sold many homes in Southwind Addition, and this area continues to be my top selling area – I sold 6 properties in this area last 2 months, and I had leased out properties at $1750, $1820, $1850 range.
Asking price is around $228,000 @ $120.13 per sq.ft, I thought this maybe a little bit high for a 3 bedroom homes, but this area is very high in demand.
I am hoping to achieve similar rent as other ones I had listed which were in $1800 range on average. I think it maybe able to achieve a bit higher if it is converted into 4 bedrooms by adding a closet.
About This Property
This property has 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas. The 2nd living area can be potentially converted into a 4th bedroom which will increase the rentability. To do so, you add a closet to the 2nd living area, and it can be considered as 4th bedroom.
Condition: Pretty Good, it is considered as move in condition.
Flooring: Tiles & Carpets – I always recommend change carpets to timber flooring, they are much more durable and lasts much longer.
Additional Feature: Backyard has a covered porch, lots of families like that in Texas
Roof: Original (10 years old), this needs to be inspected.
This summary will also be posted onto my website shortly, you can also visit my website www.myusasset.com for other information.
Thomas Su
Keller Williams Realty
(469) 347 1839