Dallas Area Profile – JJ Pearce Subdivision

This is our weekly area analysis on subdivisions in Dallas Metroplex. We will look at JJ Pearce Subdivision this week.

Subdivision Name: JJ Pearce 

City: Richardson, TX 75080

Area Description

JJ Pearce Subdivision is based on City of Richardson, zipcode is 75080. This is a well established neighborhood of Richardson with long history. The area is well known for JJ Pearce High School which is inside the subdivision, the main streets are Coit Rd and Campbell Rd. It is also with short commuting distance to University of Texas Dallas (UTD). Its elementary school is Mohawk Elementary and its Middle School is assigned to Richardson North, though many students also attend Richardson West, which is a Magnet middle school.

This area is conveniently located, within walking distance to many grocery stores, the neighborhood has many parks and community areas and it is one of the fastest growing area in Richardson due to large number of families looking to move here.


Most properties here were built in 1970s and some in 1960s. Current inventory is very low, only few properties are sold each year as most families tend to stay here for long term. The primary reason for residents considering selling is downsizing. You get to see opportunities every now and then, but most properties were sold within 7 days once they hit on the market. Sometimes you see properties that require renovations, these would represent opportunities to get into hot neighborhood. Typical property price is between $300,000 to $400,000. This is becoming a very popular area for newly arrived families, recent transactions were sold to Californians, New Yorkers, Chinese, Indians, Canadians and Australians.

Improvement Thoughts..

As this is a well established neighborhood, some properties have very mature trees which have big roots and tree limbs.Tree roots are potential hazard for foundation issues and they need to be taken care of. This is a common problem in older areas around Dallas. It is always a good idea to do a camera plumbing test to see if the roots have damaged sewer lines.

Most properties here had replaced their roof already, it is always a good idea to check with seller when their roof was last replaced, this is not usually shown in Sellers Disclosure Notice as it maybe replaced by the previous owner but not by the current owner.

Properties in this area tend to be decent size – many are over 2500 sq.ft, some had converted their patio areas into 2nd living room or connect to existing living room. Bedrooms are usually spacious and many properties have 3 bathrooms, double garage is common in this neighborhood, some properties also have 2nd living room which many families use it as study these days.