Struthers / Poland
The Struthers is a medium rated area in the greater region. It is located South to the Youngstown area. The schools here are generally good schools with some schools better rated than others.
The average income and real estate price is less than those in Boardman or Austintown, but higher than those in the Youngstown area.
The price range can vary from $15,000 to $100,000 homes. You can find older homes built in 1900s or 1910s for sale under $20,000 as opposed to homes built in 1950s and 1960s price above $65,000. There is an interesting comparison that there tends to be more females than males in this area.
Investment Strategies
The investment strategies in investing homes here are:
1) Cheaper homes – some of the homes here are very well price, you can get a decent sized homes for around $30,000 or less, then you can renovate and rent them out. The average rent tends to be better in Struthers / Poland compared to Boardman.
2) Newer homes – there are fully renovated homes in the 1950s which are attractive to tenants due to schools and locations. Some of the newly arrived residents also prefer to live in these areas, most of newly arrived residents here would be renting as they are here for 3 to 5 year job assignments.
3) Duplexes – there are some duplexes available in this area, though not as many compared to Youngstown or Boardman as the population is smaller. Most of the duplexes are older duplexes and may require renovations.